Nail Black Yellow: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

nail black yellow


Hey there, readers! Have you ever noticed an unsightly yellow tint to your nails? While this discoloration may not always be a cause for concern, it can sometimes indicate an underlying health issue. In this article, we’ll delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for nail black yellow.


Fungal Infections

One of the most common causes of nail black yellow is a fungal infection, known as onychomycosis. This occurs when a fungus invades the nail bed, causing discoloration, thickening, and crumbling.


Trauma to the nail, such as stubbing your toe or dropping something heavy on it, can result in black or yellow discoloration. The bleeding under the nail can cause this discoloration.


Certain medications, including antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs, can cause nail black yellow as a side effect.



The most noticeable symptom of nail black yellow is the discoloration itself. The nail may appear entirely yellow or have yellow streaks or spots.

Thickening and Brittleness

Fungal infections can cause the nail to thicken and become brittle. This can make it more prone to breakage and cracking.

Separation from Nail Bed

In severe cases, the nail may separate from the nail bed, causing pain and discomfort.

Treatment Options

Antifungal Medications

If the cause of nail black yellow is a fungal infection, your doctor will likely prescribe antifungal medications. These can be taken orally or applied topically to the nail.

Nail Removal

In some cases, the infected nail may need to be removed to treat the underlying infection. This is typically done surgically.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy can be an effective treatment option for nail black yellow caused by trauma or medications. This involves using a laser to break down the discolored cells.

Table: Nail Black Yellow Causes and Treatment

Cause Treatment
Fungal infection Antifungal medications, nail removal
Trauma Laser therapy, nail removal
Medications Discontinue medication if possible, laser therapy


Nail black yellow can be a frustrating condition, but it’s important to remember that it’s usually treatable. If you notice this discoloration, don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. Remember to read our other articles for more helpful information on nail health and related topics.

FAQ about Nail Black Yellow

Why are my nails turning black and yellow?

Black and yellow nails can be caused by a fungal infection, trauma, or certain medications.

How do I get rid of black and yellow nails?

Treatment depends on the cause. For fungal infections, antifungal medications may be prescribed. For trauma, the nail may need to be removed.

Can I prevent black and yellow nails?

Wearing gloves when handling chemicals, avoiding trauma, and keeping nails clean can help prevent infections.

Are black and yellow nails contagious?

Fungal infections that cause black and yellow nails can be contagious.

What does it mean if my nails are only partially black and yellow?

Partial discoloration may indicate a less severe infection or a different cause, such as trauma.

Is it safe to cut off a black and yellow nail?

Cutting off the nail yourself is not recommended. It may worsen the infection or increase the risk of further trauma.

Can black and yellow nails grow back healthy?

With proper treatment, the nails can grow back healthy. However, the discoloration may take some time to fade.

What is the best treatment for black and yellow nails?

The best treatment depends on the cause. A healthcare professional can diagnose the cause and recommend the most effective treatment option.

Can I cover up black and yellow nails with polish?

Covering up the discoloration with polish is not recommended. This can trap moisture and worsen the infection.

How long does it take for black and yellow nails to heal?

Healing time varies depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Fungal infections can take several months to heal, while trauma may take a few weeks.
